How was your first week of 2014? (Goodness it’s hard to type the right date.)
I spent mine basking in the last few days of freedom while looking back on all the fun I’ve had eating with you lovely people in 2013. For for your viewing and chewing pleasure, here are the most Foodie Fiasco popular recipes of 2013!
1 Coconut Flour Flatbread| 2 Cauliflower Risotto with Roasted Mushrooms| 3 Easy Healthy Yeast Bread| 4 Homemade Healthy Samoas| 5 The Ultimate Healthy Vanilla Cupcakes| 6 Coconut Flour Pancakes| 7 Chocolate Olive Oil Cookies| 8 Sun Dried Tomato Pesto| 9 Single Serving Grain Free Chocolate Cake
Congratulations on making it through the first work day of the new year. Although I’ve been back in school for exactly one day, I’ve demonstrated once again my uncanny ability to accumulate homework. I’m about to get on it, but first I’ll reflect over resolutions and whatnot from last year and make some new ones for this year.
And none of them having anything to do with eating fewer cookies. I still have my priorities in order. (Yeah I’ll get to my math homework soon.)
New Year’s Resolutions for 2013
1. Make New Friends (but keep the old…)
I am so lucky. I probably don’t say it enough, but I am incredibly grateful for all the blessing in my life. I have had the great fortune of meeting some fabulous people this year while growing closer to the people I’ve had the honor of knowing for a while now.
This has been an amazing, albeit trying year. My mom’s cancer came back, but she is going to be okay. That is all I want in life. Sometimes you just need to eat a slice of cake and have a boatload faith.
As I reflect over the year, I thank every single one of you from the very bottom of my heart. I am so grateful for all the support and prayers you have given us. Thank you to the moon and back. My mother is going to be okay.
Sooo this year. I went to Paris. Launched a startup. Began my sophomore year.
If we’re homies offline and you’re reading this, please know how much I love you. As for online, special shout outs to Ginger, Ellen, and McKel. You guys rock so hard.
2. Get Back to an Ideal Weight
Done. I’m 5’4″ and 125 pounds and darn it I’m going to stay here.
3. Exercise Better
I should be an olympic hula hooper. Always good to have backup plan. Either that or joining the circus.
4. Grow the Blog
I really wanted to hire a graphic designer last year to makeover the blog, and it was a dream come true when I did! Chris Graver is the man. He deserves a monument. That is all.
5. Write a Book
Didn’t happen. That’s okay.
6. Improve My Photography
I like to think my photography has evolved quite nicely! I changed my photography process significantly this year, and although it’s more time-consuming, I think the products are well worth it.
7. Attend a Food Blogging Conference
Aah, this also didn’t happen. Another goal for 2014!
8. Start a Movement
In 2013, Foodie Fiasco was viewed in 213 countries. Nobody pinch me.
9. Rest Up
Ha! I sleep when I can, have coffee when I can’t. Sometimes I drink coffee anyways. It’s vitamin C!
10. Recipe for Readers: The 2013 Baking Bucket List
Good news! I’m leaving this up indefinitely. Drop me a line and I’ll healthify your dish of choice!
New Year’s Resolutions for 2014
1. Be happy, spread happiness.
My motto for the year. And possibly every year after that.
2. Write a book.
Just you wait. It’s going to happen.
3. Faster turnaround with comments and emails.
Gosh, this is one area where I could use some improvement. One of you fabulous people send me an email that is practically a sonnet and it makes me cry tears of joy, but I’m so busy doing a happy dance and making clafoutis in your honor that I don’t respond! It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you, because I do. I’m working on it. I really am.
4. Meditate.
You know. Embracing my inner grasshopper and whatnot.
5. Have fun.
As important as it is to be uber productive all the time always, it is equally important to just get out and have fun. Be it spending quality time with family and friends (which is what I resolve to do more of!), just do something that makes your heart sing every. single. day. You deserve it.
6. Don’t chew gum in public.
You’re welcome society.
7. Learn to drive.
Watch out society.
P.S. It’s totally C.
8. Post at least two new recipes a week.
I have my editorial calendar all worked out until March (!), so I’ll try my bestest to stay on track. I wouldn’t let you go hungry!
9. Help new bloggers.
I started a consulting program for my new blogger friends back in the summer, but that admittedly fell to the wayside after my mother’s diagnosis. I get so much joy from interacting with other bloggers though, and I want to help where I can. Shoot me an email if you want to chat!
10. Smile more. Laugh more.
Love myself the way I am.
Lots and lots of love to you, my dear friends. Here’s to 2014 being our best year yet! See you in the next day or so with my new favorite morning snack.