Look! I got you exactly what you wanted.
A pumpkin butter recipe!
Oh, um, wow. That’s great.
Isn’t it?
Yeah. So you got me a recipe for pumpkin butter? (Whatever that is…)
Yes! I know how you love the stuff, and who I am to deprive you of the experience of making it yourself?
Oh yes, Kelly. I do love pumpkin butter, especially because I know what it is. And making it. Love that.
You’re a really bad liar.
I know.
Here, just have a taste of this jar I already made. But I want my recipe back.
Fine, here you go. Can I have a taste of that pumpkin, er, stuff?
Oh wow. Wow.
This is amazing! It’s sugar free? AND only takes FIVE minutes to make?!?!?
See, I told you I knew what you wanted.
Can I have that recipe back?
5 Minute Sugar Free Pumpkin Butter
I know this is what you want. Spread it on toast, eat it on oatmeal, or get out your spoon and wolf down the whole jar. Hey, it’s your gift. Nobody’s judging.
Makes about 1.5 cups at about 10 calories per tablespoon.
1 (15 ounce) can of pure pumpkin
3T agave nectar (could sub maple or brown rice syrup, or honey for a non-vegan option)
1/2t cinnamon
1/4t ginger
1/4t nutnmeg
1/4t allspice
This is very simple. Throw everything into a pot, whisk it up and bring it to a boil, but don’t stop whisking. Keep whisking, and cook for another minute. Now pour into a (peanut butter) jar, a bowl, or your mouth.
Like I said, nobody’s judging.
-Kelly M.