Well folks, this is it.
Yes… it.
This is the perfect food item. Don’t believe me? You will.
You want donuts? Great. Here they are.
Don’t they look deeeeeeelicous? Yeah well, they taste even better.
I know that’s great and everything, but don’t you just feel so…ugh after eating a donut? And there’s the whole issue with your pants popping open…
Nope. I”ve got you covered. I can give you the best donut of your life for only 110 calories.
What? You don’t want one measly donut? Fine. I’ll give you four for 110 calories.
But those calories are full of carbs and sugar with no nutritional value!
I suppose, except these donuts have 16 grams of protein, not to mention the fact that they’re sugar free, low carb, low fat, gluten free, and grain free.
That is a lot of protein, but protein powder is expensive and tastes like carboard-flavored sawdust.
Can’t argue with you. But these don’t have any protein powder.
I know, I know. You don’t want to deal with a massive amount of donuts, and are afraid you’ll eat the whole batch. Me too. But because you’re so special, this recipe only serves you. You get four donuts all to yourself.
And no, that doesn’t make you a hoarder. But if it does, I’m giving you permission to hoard. It’s in the name of donuts, so it’s okay.
But you need donuts now. Like, five minutes ago, actually.
Yeah, I hear you. Good thing all four donuts can be done and in your mouth in about 10 minutes.
And yes, feel free to eat them all in the same bite. Nobody’s judging.
Are you convinced yet?
Well… do they have icing?
Sigh… Yes, they have icing.
Happy now?
“All for One” Chocolate (Protein) Donuts (Low Carb, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Vegan Option)
This is another one of those things that are so delicious, you’ll want to eat them at every meal, but so healthy, you can. Breakfast donuts?!? Need I say more?
Serves you
Adapted from Smoothie Girl Eats Too
2 egg whites or 1/3 cup liquid whites, or 1 tablespoon of egg replacer mixed with 4 tablespoons of water, for a vegan version
2 tablespoon coconut flour
1/4 cup of pumpkin
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon of cocoa or carob powder
sweetener, to taste (I used 1 packet of stevia)
Fire up your donut maker, or preheat your oven to 350F.
Mix all the ingredients together, and add almond milk, a tablespoon at a time, if the batter appears to thick. It will be thick. Don’t worry. I would stop after 1 tablespoon of almond milk. Spoon into you greased donut maker or pan. You may end up with more than or less than four donuts. Just remember to leave some leftover batter to ice the donuts. If you don’t have a donut maker or pan, you need to get one. So in the mean time, I bet a muffin pan would work, but adjust baking times accordingly. Cook in your donut maker for about 5 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean, flipping about halfway through. Alternately, bake in the oven for 8-11 minutes, or until a tooth pick comes out clean. You’ll have to experiment with baking times for a muffin tin.
Meanwhile, thin out remaining batter with almond milk until desired consistency is reached. Once cooled slightly, spread icing onto the donuts and shove them all into your mouth at once.
I’m sorry. You’re still here?
-Kelly M.
P.S. If you use unpasteurized egg whites, you will have raw eggs in the icing. Just be aware.