What is it with me?
Here I am in the long-awaited time of bountiful strawberries and melons and zucchini and happiness and rainbows, but I’m posting recipes with winter-esque flavor combos. Why can’t I just accept the fact that this is summer?
I love summer. I love summer. I love summer! Why am I posting apple cinnamon anything? I have a few excuses…
I know, I know. Excuses are like noses. You suffocate and die if you don’t use them properly. Oh, and everyone has one.
So if I don’t give you my excuse, not only will I not be like everyone else on this beautiful planet, but I will suffocate and die. So ha! I have to say to my excuse. I don’t want to suffocate.
Well, it’s actually pretty straightforward. I just really like apples. And they keep the doctor away. I just really like cinnamon. And according to random magazines (you can leave my plaque for correct citation usage outside my office), cinnamon can make you walk on water and fly.* So why not put these two super foods together in the best breakfast known to human and monkey?
*Assuming you have access to a shallow pool you can wade through and are currently taking airplane flight lessons.
And while I’m on the subject of the wonderfulness that is cocomeal, I must mention a friend named Heidi I just made through a comment section written in Danish. (Seriously, what would I do without Google Translate?). She is from Denmark (How cool is that?!?), she likes my cocomeal, and she is SUPER sweet. I mean, how awesome is it that a wonderful person from a place so far away likes a recipe I developed?
Yeah, I get it. This post didn’t make any sense. But I’m tired and it’s late and I put writing this commentary off to watch yet another episode of 30 Rock (while the Olympics are on. Again, what is it with me?) I wanted to spend 686 words saying how much I LOVE this apple cinnamon cocomeal, but then I started talking about walking on water and monkeys and flying and a friendly Danish person. You’re welcome.
So here’s the point: This stuff rocks. Make some. Hold it tight. Savor it while watching what you’re supposed to watch. You know what that means.
Apple Cinnamon “Cocomeal” (Vegan, Low Calorie, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Low Carb)
A wonderful, comfy flavor combo in the form of the world’s greatest breakfast: cocomeal. Rejoice! Just remember, you can always serve it in an almost-empty nut butter jar to kick it up a notch.
Serves 1 (can easily be doubled as needed)
Adapted from my Blueberry Stuffed Low Carb “Cocomeal” and Low Carb Coconut Oatmeal
Nutritional Info
(Calculated with all coconut flour and no egg white)
Serves size: 1 recipe
Calories: ~119
Fat: 9 grams (healthy coconut fats!)
1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut (You can use reduced fat coconut for a lower fat version, like I did)
1/2 cup coconut milk, almond milk, or other milk of choice
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon coconut flour
1 egg white (for a vegan option, omit the egg white and add two more teaspoons of coconut flour)
2 Tablespoons applesauce
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Place the coconut in a pot over medium high heat. Toast, stirring frequently, for a few minutes, or until slightly golden. Be careful, as the coconut burns easily. Once toasted, add the milk and water to the coconut and stir to combine. Cover and bring to a boil. Once boiling, whisk in coconut flour and egg white and continue to cook until desired consistency is reached and the egg white is fully cooked. Whisk in applesauce and cinnamon and cook for a few minutes longer, or until you are satisfied with the texture. Add more or less coconut flour depending on how thick you want it. Serve in nut butter jar, and top with more nut butter ‘cuz you’re cool like that.
What? You don’t have an empty nut butter jar to serve this in? Here, give a full jar to me. I’ll take care of that for you.
-Kelly M.