I’m so sorry about the technical difficulties over the past few days! I’m happy to say that, after many late night calls with tech support, the site is back up and migrated to a faster server. Thank you for sticking with me!
I couldn’t not share this.
It’s just such a cool idea! They’re cheese crackers! Made completely out of cheese!! I feel like I should use more exclamation points!!!
I won’t pretend to be the evil genius who masterminded this concept, but I will admit to taking the idea and running with it.
During my fairly unscientific research, I discovered that, although recipes like this are pretty common, they almost exclusively use parmesan. And that just didn’t sit right with me.
Sure parmesan is good and all, but its dictatorships of the cheese crisping community leaves a lot of people out in the cold and without cheese crisps.
What about vegans? People on lower fat diets? Revolutionaries who don’t care for the taste and/or sodium content of parmesan? Are they condemned to live without the miracle that is crispy cheese?
Nay to that I say!
(Hey, at least you can’t accuse me of not taking this seriously.)
I’ve been a low carber for a long time, but sometimes I still miss that crunch I thought only a cracker could provide. Cheese crackers were of course my favorite, so when I heard you could make crisps just out of cheese, I lost my mind a little with excitement. And how could you blame me?
A cheese cracker that’s 100% of the cheese with 0% of the carbs and 217% of the satisfaction?
It’s everything we’ve ever wanted, all in convenient snack form!
I thought some of you might be curious to see if this works with reduced fat cheese, and I’m happy to report that it does! Vegan cheese also makes lovely crisps.
Cheddar was probably my favorite, but I also tried this with my beloved Trader Joe’s organic string cheese and it worked beautifully. Eight cheese crisps for sixty calories?? Score.
I was so inspired that I made a decadent dip to accompany my new favorite crispy treat, so stay tuned.
Let me know what cheeses you would make this with! I want to try them all. For testing purposes, obviously.
I know it’ll be difficult to try so many taste cheese crisps, but I’ll just have to take one for the team.
Oh well. I better get started then.
- grated cheese*
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Drop teaspoons of the grated cheese onto the parchment paper to make neat mounds. Bake in the oven for six minutes, until golden. Let cool and devour.
More cheesy favorites:
Low Calorie Cheesy Broccoli Quiche
What is your favorite kind of cheese?
I want to try them. All of them.