Happy Monday, my friends!
I do apologize for the minimalistic nature of this post, but I actually had a fabulous recipe all typed up and ready to go, but when I was about to hit publish, my server died and everything deleted. At about 11pm. Does anyone have some Tylenol?
Anywho, I just wanted to drop a line and affirm I am not dead. I am just angry at technology and in need of my beauty sleep. Meanwhile, the winner of the Chobani giveaway is… Katherine D.! (Comment #118)
“Plain 0% for me too – that way I can use it in almost everything!”
This girl knows what she’s talking about! I’ll send you an email soon, my dear, so be on the lookout. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!
On that note, I will leave you with a teaser.
What could it be? Thoughts? Twenty five points to whomever gets the right answer! (You’re welcome, freshman English teacher. I do listen to grammar lessons thankyouverymuch. See? I can spell and everything.) Hint: Katherine D. will be all stocked up and ready to make these.
Ta ta and good luck! May this week be a wonderful one!