Welcome to the Foodie Fiasco family! This is a collection of some of the amazingly phenomenal people who bother to read what I write. How I love them so.
Would you like to become part of the family? I would love it if you did! I explain a little more about how it works in this post, but basically this is a list of some of the incredibly talented blogggers and non-bloggers who read Foodie Fiasco. This food blogging world is filled with some of the kindest and smartest people out there, and it is my goal to get some of these marvelous people to meet each other. I know how difficult it is to get your blog out there, and if you take the time out of your busy schedule to read my blog, the least I can do is promote yours You only deserve it!
If you would like to join the family, please leave a comment on bottom of this page, this post, or email me at kelly [AT] foodiefiasco.com with your name, the name and url of your blog (if you have one), and a short description about you and your blog, but that last one is optional.
So without further ado, I am honored to introduce you our family!
Hi! I’m Kaylia and I blog at http://saffronsmiles.wordpress.com . I am a math major at a US top-10 university; I blog about my adventures in cooking, guitar, singing, geometric beadwork, and more, all while embracing the joy in what I do. My blog is named after my charming kitten, Saffron.
As for me, I am Basil, an amateur vegan blogger at http://vegetarianhealthfreak.blogspot.com/
hi im sam! =) my blogs about living a healthy life, being fit and not depriving yourself of anything. Everything in moderation is key. my blog features several breakfast and dinners that i have been eating as well as several motivaitional quotes and pictures as well as some of my favorite food finds ranging from real nut butters, low cal nut butter substitutions, to low cal noodles and more! i also have some recipes that i wil be adding soon! hope you like it!
I’m Sarah! I’m nearly 24 and just finished my master’s degree in elementary education. My blog follows my daily adventures in clean eating and improving my fitness. I post tons of photos of what I eat, as well as my training logs and musings on health, fitness, and body image. I love running (just did my first half marathon!) and hot yoga.
I’m Vicky at Sweet and Healthy Living! I am a certified personal trainer and am passionate about health and fitness. On my blog you will find tons of whole food vegan recipes and fun pictures of my life!
Jamie at Dare You To Move: http://yahuniverse.wordpress.com/
I’m Jamie and I blog about my hiking adventures, duct tape creations, 20 pets, college in Boston, and swimming, barefoot running, and rowing. I’m a fruit-loving vegan but I hate diet labels!
So, my name is Ellen, I write Scrumptious Gruel at
It’s a blog with vegetarian food and the occasional random musings on being an actress here in LA.
My name is Laura and I blog on my site: http://laurasglutenfreepantry.com/ I make gluten-free recipes (and often grain and dairy free as well) for my family.
I’m Chelsea and I blog at http://www.chelsearuns.com. My blog is about my life as a runner, rugby player, equestrian, and foodie who also happens to be gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, and allergic to too many things. My motto is that life is short and food is good, so live, love, and eat!
I’m Meg at A Dash of Meg (http://adashofmeg.com) where I blog about my daily life, journey of becoming a Registered Dietitian, and share healthy recipes and workouts! I also love offering motivation and inspiration to all of my readers to live their lives to the fullest!
I’m Molly and I blog at http://quicheaweek.wordpress.com/ I do a lot of – you guessed it – quiche, but also other yummy low carb, low-calorie, high protein vegetarian foods and baked goods. And I’m a seitan aficionado on the side.
I’m Brittany @ GOtheXtraMile ! I blog at gothextramileblog.com about my passion for healthy food, fitness, and everything in between
Kelly M. (love your name!) at Yellow Wellies I focus on all aspects of my life, which includes baking (gluten-free at times), fitness (I love running), family, photography, and all things that catch my eye!
I’m Jolie and I’ve started a new blog at http://likejolie.tumblr.com/. I’m a college student on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle through food and fitness. This is my amateur food blog where I share personal vignettes along with the recipes I try; food is what brings people together, and that’s what I love so much about it!
Hi! My name is Maude of Spicy Cinnamon, I am from Montreal and my blog is a mix of healthy, vegan, scrumptious, everything delicious -recipes.
I’m Basil, and I have a healthy vegan cooking blog, http://vegetarianhealthfreak.blogspot.com/
Hey I’m Carly from Carly Turns Cajun at http://carlyturnscajun.blogspot.com and my blog is incredibly new, but hopefully soon will be filled with tested recipes, unique eats and ramblings about my running, swimming and new adventures in college in New Orleans.
Hi I am Kaila! I blog at http://healthyhelperblog.com! I am a soon-to-be college student with a passion for all things involving healthy cooking, moving my body, and living it up outdoors! I love travel, being active, being involved in my community, and sharing my passions with others! Stop by for some fun, food, and a look into my life!
Hello! I am Bek and I am a 20 year old university student behind the scenes of the blog ‘Crave’. I’ve been reading blogs forever and am sick of never seeing any Aussie healthy living blogs, so I decided to start my own. Through this blog I explore my cravings for the gym, healthy food, a happy life and sweet indulgences. Hope to share these experiences and my life with you soon!
Hey! I’m Lacey and I am 16 years old with a new blog at https://lifehandsyoulimes.wordpress.com/ ! My blog is full of healthy vegan recipes and my musings as I learn to find myself and enjoy life in a new light! I love coming up with new recipes, getting creative, and everything sprinkles and sparkles haha. I hope to see you soon!
DoesNoJustice is my blog I’d love to share with you. http://doesnojustice.
I’m Lauren, and I blog at EmpoweredSustenance.blogspot.com. My recipes are original and extensively tested and suitable for SCD, GAPS, grain free, Paleo, anti-candida, and sugar free diets. Additionally, most of my recipes are nut-free–something difficult to find for grain free diets. I advocate real food ingredients and Weston A. Price principles. Finally, my recipes are designed for the everyday cook who faces budget and time constraints. I hope to see you at Empowered Sustenance!
I am Coco at Hot Coco(a): http://coco621.blogspot.com -Hi, I’m Coco! I’m a 24-year-old woman living and working in Baltimore.
I love to shop, love to eat, and love to try new restaurants, bars,
concerts, and events. Basically, I’ll try anything once! I’m a
self-proclaimed foodie and yogini. Join me as I (try to) balance work
with play after my transition from college to the “real” world.
Hello fiasco readers!
I’m Alina and I blog at Keep Smiling and Love Life. I’m a HUGE foodie and I can’t get enough of healthy living. I love being active and keeping my body in shape, but I wasn’t always this way. I went through a hard relationship with food during my freshman year of high school, battling ED. Now, I’m finally happy and healthy, loving every part of me and respecting what my body wants. If I want that cookie, you bet I’m all up for it. Balance is key for me to get back on track and it would be amazing to share it with all of you. Come visit my blog<3 God bless!
I’d love to join the family! I’m old enough to be your mother. Ugh! I guess that’s fitting, though, with a blog called The Mommy Bowl. I blog about gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free food, and all the other random things I’m sometimes eliminating from my diet.
Hi I’m Diana. I am finding new and exciting ways to live and eat with my food sensitivities (gluten, dairy, yeast). I am having loads of fun experimenting and would love to show everyone my success stories (and some failures )
My name is Heidi, and I just found Foodie Fiasco through a link on another Danish blog.
Yes, I’m from Denmark, you know the small country in Europe with kings and queens, and the little mermaid!
I have two blogs – http://hejdis.blogspot.com where I blog about “ordinary” food – I try to make a lot of things from scratch that you would normally buy, and I am getting more and more into buying organic food.
My other blog is http://hejdislow.blogspot.com where I blog about low carb food – not following a specific diet, but trying to cut down on sugar and grains. In the long run, I hope it will mean better health and lower weight!!
My name is Anna and I’m a 20-something girl finding my feet in this crazy world (and just about to get married – argh!). I blog over at www.annatheapple.com. I love all things fitness and healthy food – but I’m a big believer in finding that balance. I’m a ‘flexitarian’ as I pretty much eat anything as long as it tastes good! 🙂
My name is Bethany, I have a whole foods vegan website. I would love to network with other bloggers on similar diets! Maybe set up some video interviews or something! Let me know if anyone is interested!
Hello hello! My name’s Ala and I’m a busy bee/baker/blogger over at wallflourgirl.wordpress.com. I love playing with my food (sorry, Mom!) through my writing and amateur photographing, but I’m also a huge fan of perusing food blogs in general. I’m a mostly-vegetarian literature gal with a mean sweet tooth.
I’m Essi from Eating Healthy in a Fast Food World. Long title, I know, but I think it’s an important habit to learn.
I’ve always been a baker, and I’ve really enjoyed re-creating some of my favorite desserts in a healthier way. My blog also includes the occasional dinner or lunch recipe, but sweets are my specialty
I’m looking forward to networking with some others bloggers in the near future!
Hey – I don’t blog, but I love to learn new recipes, and I also found my love of food and all things nutritious through yo-yo dieting, but the plan is now to stabilize and enjoy great tasting food. The energy of your site just draws me in! thanks, Kelly (Thank you so much for your kindness, Kelly! Great name.)
Hi, I’m Quincy. I’m an 18 year old vegan and aspiring restaurant owner. I write about vegan recipes and healthy lifestyle choices.
My blog is Simple Nourishing Delicious, weeknighttreats.wordpress.com. My blog is inspired by a desire for wholesome, fresh, and delicious food that is quick, seasonal, and accessible. My blog also showcases healthy treats and caters to gluten and dairy intolerance. Recently I have started a candida-free diet and am in the process of exploring these recipes.
I am just super interested in healthy cooking / baking and I am trying to learn as much as possible about good healthy ingredients. It is all still a little new to me, but I am hanging in there:) -Katrine Johnson
I am a Zumba(R) Fitness Instructor outside of Seattle, WA. I have been on a journey to a healthier lifestyle that has led me to your blog. Thanks for the great ideas and recipes.
http://zumbagrl.wordpress.com -all about Zumba(R) Fitness
Best Wishes to everyone for 2013
I’m a nurse who is also a mom always searching for healthier alternative foods for myself, and family! My daughter who’s in 3rd grade just made your delicious Red Velvet Cupcakes, she loved them sooooo much, she’s making them for our county fair! Your blog is inspiring, and fresh! Your recipes
are wonderful! We love to follow your blog!
I’m a girl who loves cooking, and has recently started looking into the healthier side of cooking/baking. I am also a vegetarian, want-to-be vegan. I especially love baking and Asian food. I love your recipes!
Update – I’ve decided to go vegan.
You go girl! You can check out Kara’s blog here.
I was sooo excited to find out about your blog tonight!
I’m originally from China but i’ve been living in California for over 5 years. I became vegan about 2 years ago and started exploring the world of vegan baking since then because I have incredibly sweet tooth. I love all your dessert recipes and can’t wait to try ALL OF THEM!! Thank you for sharing such wonderful things and please don’t stop )
-Kelly M.