I’m throwing you a party. Because I love you.
I mean, I’ve always loved you. But now I really want to climb up on my roof and scream it. Why?
Other than the blatantly obvious fact that you’re just plain awesome, Foodie Fiasco got the most hits it has ever gotten in one day yesterday! Thank you so much! I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: You have no idea how grateful I am for you.
Yes, you. I am talking to you specifically. I am so grateful that you take the precious time out of your hectic life to read my little corner of the interweb. Just know that you’re making a little fourteen year old food blogger smile, and that every single one of your lovely comments brighten my day. You are incredible.
Okay, so back to that party I mentioned. It was supposed to be the baby shower for two of my dearest friends, but because you’re so amazing, they decided to let me take the party over and throw it in your honor instead. Wonderful people, right?
I think you’ve met them before, but let me introduce you to them again. My dear friend, meet Fudge and Cookie Butter.Very delicious attractive looking people, no?
Fudge and Cookie Butter just had a beautiful baby, Cookie Butter Fudge. Isn’t she drool-worthy beautiful?
Okay, I’m done playing this game. I only threw this party so you could eat the cookie butter fudge. It doesn’t mind being eaten, ‘kay? It knows that I’ll just make it again tomorrow.
But maybe you didn’t catch that, so I’ll repeat myself. Cookie Butter. Fudge. In one dessert. That’s healthy. And low calorie. And crazy easy. And is cookie flavored. But it’s still fudge.
Cookie. Flavored. Fudge. ‘Nuff said.
Cookie Butter Fudge (Low Calorie, Vegan, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Low Carb, Raw)
If fudge and cookie butter had a love child, this is what it would taste like. Yes, it’s just as good as it sounds.
Makes about 10-15 pieces
Adapted from my healthy fudge and homemade cookie butter recipes
1 batch cookie butter
2 Tablespoons mashed banana
additional sweeter, to taste (optional, I either use none or one packet of stevia)
Prepare cookie butter as directed. Stir in banana and sweetener to taste, if using, until combined. Spread into a container (plastic works well so the fudge pops right out), cover, and freeze until firm. You can store it in the freezer for extended periods of time like I do, but you made need to let the fudge thaw for a few minutes before enjoy. Don’t you love simple recipes?
Simply mouth-watering, of course.
-Kelly M.