I have reached a milestone.
As of 1:07 pm, I am fourteen years old.
If you don’t want to hear my day, that’s cool. Just scroll down and you’ll find a really nice sappy takeaway message at the end of this post. If you do want to hear it, bless you.
I love birthdays. Don’t you? It’s always fun to go around and say “It’s my birthday!” People wish you a good one, and if you’re lucky, they give you stuff. Sound fun? Sure. I think so, anyway.
I am young. I hope I have birthdays ahead of me. And since my mom’s trouble, there hasn’t been much of a feeling of celebration around here.
I went into my birthday knowing that there wouldn’t be much of a deal made out the it. I got a slab of cake. But I made it myself.
Does that ruin the fun?
My dear mother sang, but couldn’t find a proper candle and used one of those big wax ones and it smashed the cake and fell over while it was still lit. A birthday fire wasn’t exactly on the agenda.
And while I’m complaining, I was sick. Nn my birthday. I missed a half day’s worth of classes before I felt well enough to go.
I did get to see my schoolmates who wished a happy B-day, which certainly improved my mood. And getting the Kindle and an awesome food photography lighting set after school from Mom didn’t hurt either.
I just wanted a nice, simple dinner at the world’s greatest restaurant to finish the day, and only invited two of my friends. But one backed out. So it was just me, Mom, Christine, and her mom.
I ordered some vegan ice cream, blew out my candle, and ended my birthday.
So yeah. That’s my boring whining recap. Not a big deal, right?
Well, it was a big deal. To me.
This has been a difficult time for us. And it’s tempting to just deem a day like this to be unimportant or postpone-able and just let it alone.
But why would anyone do that?
Ready for the sappy message? You deserve the celebration. Especially in hard times, we shouldn’t put off opportunities to pat ourselves on the back and say, “Self, I love you. You’re doing a great job.” (Or something like that.)
You deserve to treat yourself. You deserve a break. You are amazing.
It is my birthday, and I’m spreading the love around.
-Kelly M.