We have all been ripped off.
Waffles have ripped me off! I have been jipped by a breakfast item. This is not as pathetic as it sounds.
I take great pride in my appetite. My ability to wolf down a pint of Arctic Zero is second to none, and I eat entire heads of cauliflower like it’s nobody’s business. So I have a question to ask the waffle manufacturers of the world: How do you expect us to eat one measly waffle?
I don’t mean one batch of waffles. Not a grid of waffle-y goodness fresh out of the iron. We’re talking a quarter of the thing that comes out of the waffle maker. That means you’re not allowed to eat 75% of the actual waffle.
So that lame little fragment of a waffle is the expected serving size. You are supposed to limit yourself to, like, three bites of breakfast bliss. That is not cool, Waffle Making People. Not cool.
I will not accept this. This is not okay. I will fix it. I will fix it for the good of all of my fellow waffle lovers. We will be deprived no more.
So what is my solution? I remembered in my breakfast-minded brain a fantastic waffle recipe from Heather I used to make. I had no interest in the low carb aspect of it at the time, but, with a few tweaks, it’s ready.
I present to you… the Waffle. With a capitol W. This is a big deal folks.
The Waffle is an actual full-sized waffle (ehem, waffle manufacturers of the world) where you actually get to eat the entire thing. It’s grain free, gluten free, low carb, and only 100 calories. For the whole thing. All four of these waffles.
Do you the only thing that could make this better? Topping it with bananas foster. I know, I know. Kelly, enough about the bananas foster already. Okay! I get it.
It’s waffle time now.
Low Carb Waffles
Although these waffles make a delicious, nutritious,a dn super easy breakfast, I love to enjoy them under a batch of bananas foster for an afternoon snack. Waffles are for any time of the day! Everyone knows that. Feel free to pay around with mix-ins such as chocolate chips, dried fruit, chocolate chips, fresh berries, chocolate chips…
Adapted from Heather Eats Almond Butter
Makes 1 full waffle
Nutritional Comparison:
Low Carb Waffles
(Calculated with egg whites)
Serving size: 1 full waffle
Calories: 121
Fat: 2.5 grams
Net Carbs: 3 grams
Protein: 20 grams
Calories: 390
Fat: 19 grams
Net Carbs: 47 grams
Protein: 8 grams
3 egg whites, or 2 egg whites plus 1 whole egg
2 Tablespoons of coconut flour
2 Tablespoon milk of choice (I used unsweetened almond milk)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
sweetener to taste, optional (I used 1 packet of stevia)
Whip 2 of the egg whites to stiff peaks. You can either use a hand mixer, an egg beater, or a whisk if you want a workout. Once you have stiff peaks, stir in the coconut flour, milk of choice, baking powder, sweetener, and either 1 whole egg OR 1 egg white (depending on how much fat you want the waffles to have. I have used both successfully.). Heat up your waffle iron to the highest temperature, and grease or spray it with nonstick spray. Pour in the batter (You can do it in two batches if you need to.), and cook in the waffle iron until browned, about 3-4 minutes. Pull it out, top as desired, and eat!
Remember, bananas foster makes everything better. Even waffles. Just a thought.
-Kelly M.