1. Happy Labor Day, fellow Americans! I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with veteran salutes and sleeping in. And to my international friends, happy Monday! It doesn’t have to be an oxymoron.
2. I know I already mentioned the birth of my baby, but I’m a proud mamma. She’s so beautiful. *sniffles* I’m just so proud!
Foodie Forward is the consulting branch of Foodie Fiasco, which is a fancy way of saying that I have officially blocked off a bunch of my time to help your wonderful self grow your blog.
You guys are so fabulous, and I am excited to be able to finally “meet” you face to face. There is pricing on the website, but just fill out a project planner, make sure to mention you’re one of my Foodie Fiasco friends, and we can totally work something out. I just want to work with you!
3. Speaking of helping you grow your blog, I now offer ad space in my side bar for your lovely blogs/websites! That means your ad will be seen over 575,000 times per month. I have a bunch of different options from $9-$24 a week. Because I’m excited about this and I love you, I’m giving you a super-duper special 10% off discount. Just enter code FOODIE10 and we’ll walk off into the sunset together!
Let me practice my new pre-calculus skills here. You splurge and go for the schmancy mansion space for 24 bucks, and your ad is seen over 143,000 (575,000/4) times in that one week. Not too shabby, right? You pay $24 for 143,000 top-notch impressions (because you’re reading this, and you’re top-notch), which breaks down to a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) of about 16 cents. CENTS. Advertising on other food sites can be over a 10 DOLLAR CPM, but not here. Nope. I just want to help you promote your site while keeping the lights on around here.
4. Thank you. I just want to thank you for being you. You make me smile and your inspire me and you keep my lights on. Every. single. day. I love you guys. A whole heck of a lot.
5. Since I’m done being sappy (for now), let’s talk about some serious business. Ikea. Oh yes.
BREAKING NEWS. I made my yearly Ikea venture yesterday. (Note that I would have said yearly pilgrimage, but my mother pointed out that would make me a heretic.) In one stop, you can buy a bed to match your dresser to match your occasional table to match your winged armchair to match your couch named Ektorp, drink as much coffee as you want for 75 cents, and hear fellow patrons argue out rug vs. drape color in no less than 7 languages.
It’s a magical place.
6. In case you’ve never been to an Ikea, it can be an overwhelming in a fantastic, wallet-draining kind of way. It’s like being trapped in a wonderland you don’t want to escape from. Only after five hours, fifteen hundred dollars, and 7 Ektorps does it occur to you to leave.
But this time will be different! Let’s promise ourselves we can only buy things with a succinct purpose. Agreed? Agreed.
I’d say we kept that up for at least a good five seconds? That’s enough willpower for now. Here are the justifications for any future Ikea purchases you may will make. You’re welcome/I’m sorry.
8. Do it.
Laughing and/or crying due to laughing will ensue.
9. Allow me to introduce you to my new Amiga, McKel of Nutrition Stripped. Make no mistake about it, this woman is fantastic. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, what are you waiting for? She’s wonderful, and so is her food. McKel is one of the lovely ladies I’m working with on Foodie Forward, and I am so lucky to get to know them. (I hope I’ll get to work with you next!)
10. Enough from me though, let’s hear what McKel has to say!
I’m a self-proclaimed green smoothie connoisseur, foodie, nutrition science nerd, lover of avocados, who has an affinity for plants and enjoys a nice cup of tea anytime of day. Technically speaking, I’m a Registered Dietitian and Health & Wellness Coach and owner/blogger at Nutrition Stripped.
I’m passionate about nutrition, wellness, and of course, food! I believe in taking an individualistic/holistic approach to coaching: meaning all my recommendations are tailored specifically to each individual in an attempt to reach their optimum health and wellness- ultimately leading to a longer, healthier, and happier life!
Nutrition Stripped is a platform where I share all things nutrition and focuses on nutrition information/research integrated into simple and delicious recipes. Nutrition Stripped mission is to help you gain knowledge of healthy food choices, nutrition, and apply them to your daily life. It’s your stripped-down guide to an unprocessed lifestyle with no expiration date.
Update about services: Coming soon, I will be offering nutrition coaching services to all of you beautiful people! << I want to go there. (30 Rock reference. Never mind.)
Isn’t she great? Over the next few weeks, we’ll be getting to know all these tastemakers. Will you be next?
11. A final note. Have you wondered why I make lists of 11? Probably not. But I’m going to tell you anyway. I have made lists on technology, spring break, cheese, and Tuesday, and they all have 11 points. Why? Because, on a scale from one to ten, that’s what I aim to be.
An eleven.
What are you doing this fine Labor Day/Monday?