This is the person I’m becoming.
LA had a few inches of rain in the past week, so basically half the city fled the country.
But apparently I’m now the kind of person who dances in the rain, which leads to laughing in the rain (mainly by other people), which leads to falling in the rain (mainly by me). I treat pajamas like workout clothes and workout clothes like acceptable wearing-in-public attire.
I make cakes at midnight and eat them all myself. I create single serving cakes to remedy the issue of my ensuing tight pants. I receive applause for such achievements. I am humble.
My only resolution this year was to choose what makes me happy. And my first decree as happiness queen was to not make any resolutions.
If there’s an improvement I want to make, I’ll make it. I am a strong independent woman and I don’t need no calendar to tell me when to change things. So please enjoy watching me cringe as I look over whatever resolutions I thought were a good idea last year. If they don’t involve cake then they were wrong. Whatever they were. Cake is the only thing that matters.
1. Eat clean(er).
Um, does cookie dough count? Say yes. Please say yes. I’ll make you cookies if you do. I’m not above baking bribery.
2. Post 2-3 times per week.
(I’ll work on this I promise because I love you more than I love cake and I love cake a lot).
3. Do a big blog project.
(See laughter above.)
4. Get in better shape.
I can do all the sit ups now. All of them. I am the president of the no sit up left behind initiative. (Apparently sit up is two words? You learn something new every day.)
5. Find a balance.
Well since it’s very easy to develop recipes and take pictures and write and go to school and put the college in college try while trying to sleep sometimes maybe, I succeeded at this 1169423%.
That was a joke I just made. It was very funny.
6. Drink less caffeinated coffee.
I did no such thing.
7. Make the bed everyday.
I think I did this for at least a month??
8. Successfully navigate the college process.
If any of you work in college admissions please please help me I’ll love and bake you cookies and cake forever and ever.
9. Sprinkle kindness like confetti.
I like to think I did a decent job here, because I think being kind to other humans is so important. There’s really no other way to be. And it’s nice to know that in trying times, the goodwill comes back for you. I appreciate every single person around me (cough that means you cough).
10. Smile, my love, because today is a beautiful day.
Aw look at me I’m so cute and inspirational.
Okay now I feel bad. I should probably try to improve as a person this year. Okay. Um. Here goes. I promise it’ll be short (like me).
Gettin’ Things Done (2016 Edition)
1. Go to college! Don’t die!
2. Really make the blog a priority. Like for real. Remember how freaking fabulous it is and how much you love it. Do it. Please.
3. Workout at least five times a week. (Blogilates hurts so good.)
4. Track money like a grownup.
5. Live minimally. (Because ahem a certain someone is moving to college and needs to fit their stuff in one suitcase so get ready for that.)
6. Stretch every day. I used to be able to do the splits and it’s hilarious how much that is not the case now.
7. Let’s try again with this making the bed thing because that seemed like a good idea.
8. Get Fiasco Flair and Fiasco Family (coming soon to a screen near you) up and running!
9. Live your life. Go skydiving if you want. Eat that slice of cake. (I had to have a cake one in here). Do things that excite you.
10. Choose what makes you happy. Life is too short to choose otherwise.
Yay I did it. I think we deserve cake now. And this one has 29 grams of protein and only 135 calories. (??!?!?!?!)
Say hello to the tall dark and handsome in my life.
We have some wild nights with peanut butter. We’re in love.
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I’ve only tried this with whey.)
- 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder
- 1 egg white*
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons almond milk
- sweetener, to taste (I used 5 drops liquid stevia)
- 1 tablespoon chopped dark chocolate (optional, but do it because chocolate it never the wrong answer)
- In a mug, combine the protein powder, unsweetened cocoa powder, and baking powder. Add in the egg white, vanilla extract, and almond milk and stir until completely combined. Sweeten to taste. Stir in chocolate, if using. Microwave on high for one minute. If the batter raises over the mug, stop the microwave and continue cooking in intervals. Devour.
Have you made any resolutions?
So I caved and made some. Here we go again.