Does this mean summer’s over?
Heather will tell you. (Sorry to hear you’re getting rained on!)
But… I don’t want summer to be over!!!
I’ll just have do drown my sorrows in canned pumpkin.
I’ll just have to come up with an awesome pumpkin smoothie and curl up with it under my flannel sheets I’ve secretly missed all summer. Mmm, pumpkin smoothie.
Poor me.
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Like pumpkin pie with a spoon, only better. If you don’t believe me, make this. And if you do believe me, still make this. But what are you going to do if you’re on the fence? Make this.
Adapted from Family Fun
1/2 c. canned pumpkin
3/4 c. almond milk
1/4t. cinnamon
1/8t. nutmeg
1t brown sugar+ stevia to taste, or sweetener to taste
1/3 banana, frozen into hunks (I guess you can use ice if you want)
a handful of ice, optional (I omitted)
Blend all ingredients until smooth. (Don’t you just love how simple smoothies are?)
Now if you’ll excuse me, there are some flannel sheets in need of my attention.
-Kelly M.