You know that wonderful feeling that arises when someone does something really great for you? It could be something as simple as a compliment, a friendly phone call, or even just a hug. Whatever it may be, it really warms your heart.
Through Foodie fIasco, I am so lucky to be able to say this kind of thing happens quite often to me. I am routinely blown away at the extremely kind comments and emails I receive. When someone takes the time to feature me in a recipe roundup, tell me they love a recipe of mine, or talk about me on her (or his!) blog, I am absolutely giddy with joy. You guys are wonderful, and I have no intention to let your forget it.
I just don’t want to see all this goodwill gone unnoticed. If you take the time out of your day to leave a comment that makes my day, I want to tell the world. I want to shed light on the do-gooders around me. Does this feeling sound familiar?
So here’s what I want to do. I am going to take the Smile of the Day Pledge. The Smile of the Day pledge means that, at the bottom of my posts, I will now leave a Smile of the Day link or mention. It could be a link to a blogger who talked about you, or you can copy and paste (and properly cite of course) a really kind comment, or you can mention something that happened to you in”real” life. Did someone you know do something thoughtful for you? Share it!
I’ve found do-gooders often don’t get the recognition they deserve, so this is a just a way of giving a tip of the hat to the kind people in your life. (I am fortunate to have so many; think about all you guys!) The people you mention really appreciate it, and I’ve also found recognizing goodwill in your life is an endless source of happiness for you!
Does this all sound good? Do you want to start? Great! There really are no rules, just start spreading the love around! Talk about something sweet someone has done for you recently in the bottom of your next post, and see what happens. Look, you can even use this fancy picture I made!
So I’m going to take the pledge. Will you? Just leave a comment so I can add you to the Smile of the Day roster for the world to see! You can even add the button to your own website by copying and pasting the code into your sidebar.You can find the code in my left sidebar.
Want to take the pledge? Just leave a comment and I will add you to the Smile of the Day page so the world can see how wonderful you are!