If I keep this news to myself any longer, I will probably explode. You’ll have to wipe me off the walls.
I clearly feel quite indifferently about this. Excuse me while I break into an completely ungraceful indifferent happy dance.
I plan to talk about this more later, but in a nutshell, my experiment with running has faceplanted. It failed miserably. As much as I tried to be a runner, I was just forcing myself to be someone I’m not doing something I’m terrible at and can’t stand. So how do I stand a chance at being FitFluential to anyone after I have given up running?
Simple. Yoga. Like, legit yoga. That actually makes you sweat. A lot. With this amazing lady. Whom I love.
The only problem with yoga is that it may adversely affect your ability to write complete sentences. Or at the very least, it gives you something to blame your inherent inability to write complete sentences on. A workout and an excuse? I rest my case. The perfect exercise.
Like I said… more on that later. Anyway.
I am doing some spring cleaning around here! In case you haven’t noticed, there are some schmancy new upgrades around here. I now have a “Pin It” button above all my posts, there are new “Share the Love” buttons on the bottom of all my posts, there are now related posts at the bottom of each post, and you can also “Like” each individual post on Facebook at the bottom of each post. (Could I have said the word “post” any more times in one paragraph?)
Speaking of that f work, I am finally on Facebook! (You can find my page here.) I also have a special box in my sidebar where you can check my FB updates and like me, if you so desire. Right now, I only have four likes, and two of them are mine. That’s just a tad pathetic. Remember, if you like me on Facebook, there will be a fourteen year old California food blogger who will love you forever and ever. Just saying… keep that in mind.
I also am now on Pinterest, and have an active Twitter account. I know I was technically on Twitter before, but now I actually use my account. My Pinterest account is here, and my Twitter account is here. You can also find some super cool new buttons over on the top right part of the side bar. Do you see them? Aren’t they preeeeeetty?
So… yeah. I’ve been a busy girl. I’m really not proud of how long it took me to figure this all out, but I did. Thank you so much for putting up with my ramblings.
I’ve been doing some thinking about my blog through the ages lately, and how much fun it’s been for me to watch it grow. Please don’t forget how much I love love love each and every one of you. The fact that you take the precious time out of your busy schedules to read my blog and reach out to me still blows my mind. Every one of your sweet comments, every Facebook like, every Twitter and Pinterest follower, and every email makes me smile. You guys are so amazing, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You rock.
-Kelly M.
Could you give me some input on this? Should I put the Facebook “Like” button above or below each post? Thanks so much!