I am thankful for your comments on the giveaway.
I am thankful for how sweet you guys are.
I am thankful for how much your guesses at my age are making me laugh. (Which is a lot.)
I am thankful for food. Even brussel sprouts.
Especially brussel sprouts.
I am thankful for old friends who invite me over and insist on feeding me.
I am thankful for bread that looks like turkey.
I am thankful for beautiful tables and beautiful carbs.
I am thankful that a different old friend invited me over, so I got to see even more people I love.
I am thankful for the chef.
I am thankful for the other vegetarian in the house who made sure that the gravy was vegetarian.
I am thankful that the chef handed over the fancy mushrooms to make said gravy.
I am thankful for how delicious it was.
I am thankful that the mashed cauliflower (the thing on the left with the gravy on top) I brought over wasn’t as horrific as I thought it might be.
I thankful that my fellow Thanksgiving-ers liked my cauliflower.
I am for amazing friends (not “readers”) who forgave me for not properly documenting the mashed cauliflower recipe.
I am thankful I have an excuse to make the mashed cauliflower again.
I am thankful that another one of my dear friends invited me over for dessert.
I am thankful for pie.
I am thankful that the pie was so amazing. Clearly.
I am thankful for stretchy pants.
P.S. Like my new signature? Thanks. I did it through this site!