There is a reason I didn’t post this recipe before the holidays.
It’s because I couldn’t get the recipe right in time.
It’s because I care about you.
You see, if you hade made these before Christmas, you would’ve been in competition. Becaus eyou’re extremely popular and everyone you now is just begging you to let them come over to your house of shower you with gifts for the holidays.
So, you got a lot of people to feed. And there’s bound to be at least one little kid who’ll suggest to leave these cookies out for a special somene. The big guy, you know, the one in the red suit?
Well, if everyone left out these cookies for Santa, he would probably be far more jolly and actually be able to fit down the chimney.
But that’s beside the point.
The point is that you rock. You have braved holiday shopping freizies, unexpected in law visits, and last minute fit of baking when in lack of a present. You are a veteran.
A veteran that deserves a batch of great cookies all to herself (or himself, to all the manly bakers out there!). Not to mention… the perfect cookie. Vegan, whole wheat, low calorie (ony 30 calories each!), low fat, and delicious. Did I mention that?
Delicious. Very delicious.
And really, you deserve it.
The Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie (Vegan, Low Calorie, Low Fat, Whole Wheat)
A healthy chocolate chip cookie? That actually tastes good? Is it too good to be true?!? Nope.
So stop pinching yourself.
I basically used the brilliant Katie‘s recipe, but subbed 1T coconut oil for the vegetable oil. I had to play around with the oven temp, too, but my oven is old and strange, so I would stick to her oven temp. Thank, Katie! And I hope you all enjoy the cookies.
Makes about 18 cookies at only about 30 calories per cookie
Oh, and try not to eat these all at once.
Well actually, these are healthy. So go for it.
-Kelly M.