I but your couldn’t guess how old I was.
Was I right? Or were you?
I was right.
No one was even close. The closest guess was seven years off. The four closest winners will still win their stuff, and I’ll name them at the end of the post. WAIT!!!
Before you scroll down, do want to find out how old I am?
Any final guesses?
I’m thirteen, guys. Thirteen years old.
I’m in middle school.
Stop laughing.
Please don’t leave! You must be thinking how unqualified I am. How it should be criminal that I give advice on food and health.
But remember, I still did lose forty pounds. Does the fact that I was twelve when I did it really make a difference?
I hope my age doesn’t creep you out. Your probably wondering why I tried so hard to lose weight before I was even a teenager, but I’ve battled with some self-image issues.
I’d like to think that those days are over, and for the most part, they are. unfortunately, I still have days where I stand in front of the mirror and scrutinize my every flaw. Or have to remind myself not to starve.
So I can’t tell you how much your compliments on my picture mean to me. Thank you.
And while I’m thanking you, I have the great honor to say my dear friend Catherine at Happiness After Heartache has honored me with the Liebster Blog Award!
The Liebster award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers, all in the spirit of fostering new connections.
Liebster is a German word that means “dearest” or “beloved”, but it can also mean “favorite”, and the idea of the Liebster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers. Please write a post about the award. Then pass the award on to at least 5 (or more) bloggers.
The Rules are:
- Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
- Reveal your top 5 (or more) picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
- Post the award on your blog.
- Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogosphere – other bloggers.
- And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
I would like to nominate the following blogs. But I have to add, it’s hard to pick because it’s hard to tell how many followers they have! Hopefully I’m following the rules and only picking those with less than 200. If I nominate you and you have more, don’t take it as an insult!
Gillian @ When Bread is Broken
I had to be a bit unorthodox when picking the winner of the giveaway, becaus etere were four winners and a bunch of people guesses the same age. So here’s how I went about. The people who were closest were Amy @ Healthy, Hungry Happy and Eleanor @ Eating Like a Horse . The guesses 20. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga guessed 22, but she hinted at 12, so I went with it. There was a tie for fourth place, so I used a random number generator to break the tie and came up with Kim @ Eat, Live, Blog. Congrats to the winners! Shoot me an email and we’ll get you your loot.
P.S. Too much linking for one post.