Something occurred to me the other day.
I want to make you famous. I was about to go update my blogroll (which I’ve only done, like, once) when I realized how long it was about to become. There are so many amazing blogs and bloggers out there, and I was about to include them all. Seriously, I wanted to include every one of you so badly.
But the blogroll would then become a mile and a half long, which would effectively defeat the purpose. If I put each and every one of you lovely folks on my blogroll, anyone who read it would be overwhelmed and not click on any of your fabulous blogs. Which is the exact opposite of what I want!
I want you to be showcased so everyone can know how fabulous you are. I know how hard it is to get your name out there, and I want to help you anyway you can. If you take the time to read my blog, the least I can do is take my time to promote yours!
So then I realized… why don’t I feature everyone? “I can’t” is not a valid answer, because I really can. But how, you may ask?
Let me explain. The recipes on this blog are unique, you lovely people are unique, and your blogs are unique. So I think this calls for a unique set up! The people I have encountered through Foodie Fiasco are so incredibly kind, funny, and smart. This little niche is full of such incredible people, but I wish more of them knew each other.
I have a few close blog friends, but I really wish I had more. I am so wholeheartedly grateful to those of you who have reached out to me via emails and comments, but I know it seems awkward and almost intimidating to contact a perfect stranger to talk about things like coconut flour.
So how do I plan to plan blog friend matchmaker while making you famous? This is where the fun begins.
I like to think of us here at Foodie Fiasco as a family. You put up with my ramblings, I bake you cookies. We talk about xylitol caramel. We’re all practically separated at birth.
So here’s my game plan: a family page. Instead of making a super long blogroll, I will create a page on this website called “Meet the Family” where I will feature every single one of you. To make the list less overwhelming, I’ll put your blog and a little summary/bio of you into the category (i.e. gluten free, vegan, running, yoga) of your choice so people reading the list can find other bloggers in their niche. I think this will be a great way for us to get to know each other better while you get the name of your fantastic blog out there.
Want to join? Course you do! Joining the family is very simple. If you want to be featured on the family page where thousands of people will see your blog and what you’re about while you meet some super sweet people, just leave a comment with your name, the name of your blog, and your blog’s URL. If you want, you can include a short summary of what your blog is about or a little about you for me to share, but that’s totally optional.
If you don’t have a blog but still want to be on the family list, just leave your name. If you are comfortable with having your email address on the page (I will spell it out so spammers can’t get it) tell me what it is and I will include that along with your name on the list.
Thank you so much, my friends! I am so excited about being able to feature and connect you all, and I hope you’re at least a little excited too. If you were so inclined to tell your friends about this, I would love you forever. Welcome to the family!
-Kelly M.