You may want to sit down for this.
Great. I love it when doctors say that.
I’m sorry, Kelly. But you’ve got a very serious problem.
Oh no, what is it?
You’re just eating too healthfully.
Excuse me?
Too many vegetables, too much fruit, and too many whole grains. Stop. You’re giving your stomach nightmares and a too heathy fourteen year old is weirding everyone out.
No. I am not making this up.
My diet is just too healthy. I think I may be the only fourteen year old girl who has ever had this problem. Ever.
Now unfortunately, we don’t know that my diet is the only thing causing issues. But issues, I do have. Ever since I lost my weight, I’ve been having some health problems. Low energy level, going to the bathroom a lot, stomach pain, bloating, etc.
You know. Fun stuff.
We think it might have something to do with my diet, but we’re not sure. I love to eat this way. My food is delicious and healthy, but my body isn’t on top of the world like I feel it should be. I’ve had blood work done, and, apparently, I’m the picture of health. My poor mother has had so much to deal with that I couldn’t possibly mind that my minor problems haven’t been checked in to, but now that her radiation is OVER, we can look into this stuff.
So I’ve got some random other tests, but, being a food blogger, you’d think that I’d be able to tackle the food end of it. So I’m going to give it a shot.
I’m fourteen, 5′ 4″,about 124 bs, and about 19% body fat. Here’s what my current diet + exercise looks like:
~1800-2000 calories a day (as recommended by my RD)
lot of fruits and veggies
lots of whole grains
40-50 grams of protein per day
<25 grams soy protein per day
5 days per week
running/walking (1.5-3.5 miles)
tae bo (occasionally)
general moving round and lugging lots of heavy books
Sounds good right? But not everything that sound good in theory is as good in actuality. Have you noticed this? Especially in your diet/exercise?
So I was looking at Ashley’s detox, and I figured, if she can figure out that gluten was bothering her, why can’t I figure out what’s bothering me? I am willing to play around with my diet. If I have to go gluten free, so be it. If I have to give up soy (but I love you tempeh!), I think I will live.
It’s a new year. It’s a clean slate for all of us. (More on this later.)
Have you had issues with your diet? Maybe even unexpected ones? How did you overcome them? Any ideas for me? Thanks and a very Happy New Year to you and your families!
-Kelly M.