Why do you blog?
In case you haven’t noticed, I like to comment on people’s blogs.
When I blog, I love comments because they make me feel appreciated, and that when I write, someone is listening. Every comment I get is like a very, very precious gift, and I try to respond to every one. If you’ve ever commented on my blog, thank you.
I also love to comment onther people’s blogs because I figure they feel the same way I do. I love to make people, especially bloggers, feel appreciated, because I know how hard they work and I really do appreciate them. And if I am the only one to comment on a given post, then all the more reason I want to make that person feel like they’re being heard when they write.
That’s only fair.
I do comment on a lot of blogs usually, but sometimes that’s the only comment I may ever leave on that blog. Ever.
That is certainly not always the case. There are plenty of you that are here beause we’re friends. I comment on your blog, you comment on mine, I go back to yours, etc. I have met some amazing people that way.
If you’ve ever stumbled upon a random blog, comment, and leave, why don’t you come back? Why don’t you remember that blog? Why don’t you become a regular reader?
It may have nothing to do with that blog. I don’t write down the posts I comment on, do you? Are you supposed remember every comment on every blog you’ve ever left? Of course not!
But if someone does stumble on your blog, you want them to remember you.
So sometimes when I comment on a blog and don’t return, it’s because I didn’t really understand what that blog was about. Do you ever feel that? You read a blog, but you don’t really sense a theme. Everything’s kinda all over the place. There’s no order.
So when I was thinking about this the other day, I thought:
Could that be my blog with no order? What is my blog about, anyway? What’s my theme?
So when I was done bombarding myself with questions, I realized a few things.
Last night, I went over to an old friend’s house whom I went to Italy with a few years ago, and we made homemade Itlaian pasta together with fresh pesto. We talked about all the memories we’ve had with food, and enjoyed one of the most delicious meals I’ve ever had. But the thing that made it the most delicious was that we all ate it together.
We made new memories, while celebrating old ones. That’s what makes food special.
That meatloaf your grandma used to make on Sundays may not have been 5 stars, but what made it special are the memories behind it. And that’s what I want to blog about!
Healthy food and the people that make it special.
But there is one more component that, had I not realized it, I would have ended this blog today. One very, very important group of people that make my food special is YOU. My readers. But listen to me very carefully:
Sorry for the large font, but I feel passionatley about this. YOu are taking your very precious time to read what I write. You are here today listening to me ramble on when there are millions of other things you could be doing. You are not some random “reader.”
You are my friend.
I would invite you over to make healthy food with me in a heartbeat. You rock. But since you may live halfway across the world, I am inviting you over by the power of the blogosphere.
I want my blog posts to be like family gatherings. You are my friends, and my friends are my family.
One more thing. I have never said how old I am on this blog! When I went to Foodbuzz, people couldn’t guess me age. Can you?
Here is a pic of me. Try to guess my age, and the four closest people will win a set of products from NuNutaturals ( (1) ONE box of our NuStevia Packets, 50 ct. Box, AND (1) ONE bottle of our NuNaturals Vanilla Stevia Liquid, 2 oz. bottle.)! To enter the giveaway, I would also love it if you could tell me what you think of this blog’s new direction. Thanks!
I considered doing a porduct review for NuNaturals, but saw no point in it. I know their porducts are amazing, you know their products are amazing, so you don’t really need to hear it again, do you? Now you can even find out for yourself!
By the way, I did recieve free sample from NuNaturals, and this giveaway is only for continental U.S. residents only. Sorry!
-Kelly M.
P.S. If you know me in real life or from Foodbuzz, do not say how old I am. You already know. That doesn’t count.